Now Is The Time To Build Your Network


You complain a lot, and don’t support anyone’s interests but your own.

Alright you might not be that bad (some of you are) but you do need to improve your network.

Those fairy tale stories of artists being “discovered” are one in a million for a reason. You are actually a better chance of being insanely talented and never getting anywhere then you are of stumbling out of a club into a record deal.

You will need two things to make it to the top as an artist - great music, and a great network.

You need to surround yourself with people that will offer honest feedback, share your music, support your gigs, introduce you to their contacts and just be a general shoulder to lean on.

Let’s just say for you…..the great music part is taken care of. Now how do you go about building that network?

Unsurprisingly its by doing the things mentioned above but for someone else.


The quickest way to meet like minded artists and fans is to go to shows.

Get out be active in your local scene. Try and head out at least once a week. This doesn’t mean go out and get turbo every weekend. This is about curating your night out. Finding those small clubs with the local DJs.

Recognise someone from online? Go and say HI.

I understand most of us get nervous in these types of situations but hey who isn’t. This blog is after all about growing your network.

The biggest thing about going to shows is a lot of up and coming touring DJs are often touring by themselves. They can’t afford to tour with a big team, or even their managers or partners quite yet.

So, when you meet them, don’t be a fan, be a friend! Talk to them like any other human being. Find connections. Find common interests.

It’s these kind of relationships that can pay the most dividends in the end. What happens when you’re the main contact in a city for an artist that is now touring Major Venues, because you were there at the beginning.

I have seen this exact thing leap frog someones whole career.


Give more upfront then what you want in return. It’s a super simple strategy but artists forget about it every single day.

You spend 3 months writing an album totally shut off from the world. You put yourself on lockdown so you can focus.

That’s totally fair you don’t want any distractions. But when you finally come out of your self imposed life ban you have all this new music and you want to share it with the world.

You’re literally busting at the seams to get it out there. You’re so excited but can’t understand why no one else is.

It’s because “You Get What You Give”.

It’s a harsh world but 9 times out of 10 those are the cold hard facts.

When you are building your network you need to think about what you can do for them. They’re pushing a mixtape why don’t you repost it, leave a valuable comment on it (not just a flame emoji), send them a text telling them about your favourite part or maybe its dogshit and you can help them with some advice.

Remember networking is about being honest. Don’t just be mean for the sake of it of course. But offer real constructive criticism where necessary.

In the end you don’t want to be surrounding yourself with fake people. You want your network to help you grow in more ways then one.

When you put others in front of yourself, whether intended or unintended, things just happen. Be it in life or business.

Not only will it make you feel good, but it’ll provide you the leverage that you can utilise if the opportunity comes knocking.


What no one tells you is the hardest thing to do after building a network is to keep it.

Now this takes a lot less work then the 2 points above. But it is still an essential part. Because you do not want to be reaching out to that contact in your network 2 years down the track about something that could make or break you.

Keeping your network warm is the most essential part to keeping it useful.

This can be as simple as an email sharing a new mix or song of yours, a casual text or dropping into one of their gigs.

Don’t let them forget about you.

Stay in touch, so eventually when you do have to ask for a favour it isn’t weird.


Right now with most of our industry still struggling to get back to work now is the perfect time to grow your network. Artists are out there right now looking for people to collaborate with, connect with and just shoot the shit with.

It is a moment in history where nearly everyone is accessible. No one is touring the world, no one is out doing 100 gigs a week. We’re all stuck at home together.

So the time is now to build your network for the future.


Guest Blog: What I’ve Learnt From Starting A Podcast - Part 3


Guest Blog: What I’ve Learnt From Starting A Podcast - Part 2