What makes Perfect, Perfect?


Here’s a hint.


Perfect by it’s very nature is subjective. What one person feels to be perfect another may believe to be trash.

Now before you start writing me hate mail, perfection can be achieved in things like multiple choice tests where there are only right or wrong answers. However in something like music perfection is only found in the ears of the listener.

So why is it a word that can be found in this industry every day?

Who came along and gave every artist this complex? “I want to wait until it’s perfect".”

At last count 40,000+ songs are being uploaded every day to Spotify alone.

That means that roughly 1 / 195,000 people worldwide publish a song every day.

Then you begin to think, if those are the songs that are being published what about the songs that aren’t.

How many tracks do you have that you know are basically finished that are just sitting dormant on your computer? You finished it one day had multiple listens decided on your own it wasn’t good enough and then just moved it to the maybe pile never to be seen again.

Recently I found a quote that I posted on our instagram….

“What if you chose PROGRESS over PERFECTION today.”

What would that Progress look like for you?

Would it be going through your maybe pile today?

Would it be releasing that track you felt like needed one more piece?

So if you think releasing your music before it is perfect is a mistake, maybe it’s time you start learning from your mistakes.

Making mistakes is part of every day life.

I guarantee you’re going to learn more from publishing them then you will from leaving them on your hard drive.

This is how you improve, your first release is never going to be as good or sound as good as the next. As humans we learn and we grow with every day that passes. The more work you put in, the more you put out into the world, the more you learn.

What perfection is to one person may not be so for another.

When you understand this simple statement, that inherently all humans are different, you will sit back and wonder why you’re sitting on those 30 unreleased tracks.

How do you know they aren’t perfect if no one else has listened to them.

Choose Progress today and let the world hear your unreleased magic.

At worst you’ll learn from it and grow.

At best you just released a hit that put you on the map.


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